Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day

I am not sure about the origin of Mother's Day in Brazil. I could not find any specific information about it. I guess that basically the celebration exists for stabilish the same tradition that is held in USA and around the world.

Although around 46 countries honour mothers with a special day not all celebrates in the same date. Few countries such as Australia, United States, Denmark, Italy and others celebrate it on the second Sunday in May.

The idea of a national Mother's Day began in United States during the 1870's. It was originally a plea from Julia Ward Howe (an author and a leader of the abolitionist and women suffrage movements) for mothers around the world to rally together for the end of the war. But was the amercican Anne Marie Jarvis the idea of prevailing Mother's Day celebrations.

Anne hoped that a day dedicated to mothers everywhere would strengthen family bonds and increase appreciation and respect for parents whilist they where alive. She moved a campaign sending hundreds of letters to legislators, businessmen and executives at state and national levels to establishment of a national Mother's Day.

She did not stop there. Together with a committee plans was made for making Mother's Day an international event.

Anne did not end up very happy with her achivement because of the commercialization around the day. She wanted to be a day of sentiment and loving intentions not profit!

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